A Simple Shopping List Program developed in Java for Learning Purposes
Hey there! My name is Amruth A. Pillai and you're awesome.
This application is the playground for my Java Programming learning curve. My goal is to create a full-fledged working system of a simple shopping list or reminder list purely in Java using inbuilt and external libraries, like the Apache Commons IO Library.
I care a great deal about indentation and commenting my code, so be on the look out for the way I organize my code and the documentation.
I would like to thank @aldefy. for introducing me to this programming language and helping me with those teeny-tiny bugs from time to time! :)
v1.6 - Added: Error Handling Exceptions
Dtd: 24th June 2014
Desc: Added an instruction whenever user tries to delete or display a list that does not exist.
v1.5 - Updated: Created Object for ListActivities
Dtd: 24th June 2014
Desc: Created an object reference for the ListActivities class and replaced the while loop with a do while loop for more optimization.
v1.4 - Added: Option to Remove Individual Item
Dtd: 23rd June 2014
Desc: Added the functionality to remove a particular item from the Shopping List by typing the Item Name.
v1.3 - Updated: File Management
Dtd: 23rd June 2014
Desc: Updated the functionality from storing items in an ArrayList to storing items in a portable text file called 'shoppinglist.txt'.
v1.2 - Added: Clear Shopping List
Dtd: 22nd June 2014
Desc: Added the functionality to delete/clear the elements of the ArrayList.
v1.1 - Created First Application
Dtd: 22nd June 2014
Desc: Created an application that stores items in an ArrayList and displays the same.
v1.0 - First Commit
Dtd: 22nd June 2014
Desc: Welcomed myself to the world of Java Programming.